"Customize Your Brick"
Become a Part of Indy Racing History

To see a line drawing of the Brick layout Click HERE.

When the brick patterns are fulfilled, your choice of name will be engraved on an individual brick affixed to the sculpture’s base.

Each donor will receive a photograph of the sculpture signed by the artist and a numbered certificate of authenticity suitable for framing. Certificates will be numbered in the order in which the Bricks are sold.

Here is an example of how the "Bricks" look with one or two lines of text: The text is limited to seventeen characters per line including spaces.


Your Name:
Please type the name you want engraved on your "Brick" in the following block(s). Please check your spelling. What you enter will be represented exactly. All submitted names will be screened for any impropriety. Each line is limited to 17 characters including spaces.
Line 1:
Line 2:
Enter Code:
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